Course curriculum

  • 1

    You Can Become the Master of Yourself

    • 01 The Complete Self-Discipline Course - Control Your Own Life Promo Video

    • 02 Quick Win! Discipline Yourself The Way Big Corporations Manipulate Behavior

    • 03 This Is What Self-Discipline Is and Why It Matters to You

    • 04 The Ugly Truth Most Experts Won't Tell You about Self-Discipline

    • 06 You Can Control Your Actions and Behaviors to Benefit Your Long-term Interests

    • 07 You Are Already Well-Disciplined, Just Not By Yourself

    • 08 The Most Effective Form of Discipline and Control Is...

    • 09 You Can Use the Power of Corporate Advertising to Impose Self-Discipline

    • 10 This is Why You Might Want to Listen to TJ Walker

    • 11 There is a Facebook Page Set Up Just for You Here

  • 2

    The Selfie Programming Method for Gaining Self-Discipline

    • 12 You Can Program Yourself

    • 13 The Selfie Speak Program, SSP, Is the Easiest Way Ever To Influence Your Self-Discipline Habits

    • 14 Here is Exactly How You make a Selfie Speak Program for Self-Discipline

    • 15 Here Is the Selfie Speak Program I Listen to Every Day

    • 16 The Selfiie Media Program

    • 17 This Is How You Make Your Own Selfie Media Program

    • 18 It's a Little Personal, But I'm Going to Show You My Own Selfie Media Program

    • 19 TJ's Selfie Media Program

    • 20 Selfie Text Programming

    • 21 Laying Our Your Selfie Text Programming

  • 3

    Create Your Own SSP Now

    • 22 Time to Make a Decision

    • 23 Make Your Own Selfie Media Program

    • 24 Create the Final Leg, Your Selfie Text Program

  • 4

    The Seven Habit Spheres of Self Discipline

    • 25 All of Your Habits Fit Into these 7 Spheres

    • 26 Sphere 1 - Personal Control Over Your Time

    • 27 Sphere 2 - Your Health

    • 28 Sphere 3 - Strong Relationships

    • 29 Sphere 4 - You Need Fun

    • 30 Sphere 5 - You are a Self-Learner

    • 31 Sphere 6 You Are a Creator

    • 32 Sphere 7 Your Wealth Accumulation

    • 33 Put Your Self-Discipline to Work Now

    • 34 The Magic Frequency of Exposure to Your Self Discipline Goals

  • 5

    Conclusion Your Path to Permanent Self-Discipline

    • 35 Learn the Self-Discipline Of Asking for Feedback and Criticism

    • 36 Congratulations - You Now Have the Self-Discipline to Live Life On Your Terms