Course curriculum

  • 1

    You Will Quickly Develop Fantastic Presentation Skills

    • 1 Quick Wins! How to Impress Your Audience Within the First Two Seconds

    • 2 Make YOUR Next Presentation Your Best Ever

    • 4 Making Your Life a Series of Winning Presentations

    • 5 Here Is What You Want to Accomplish With Your Presentation Skills

    • 7 Why I Am the Most Unpopular Presentation Skills Trainer

    • 8 How To Exploit Your Presentation Skills Instructor

    • 9 The REAL Reason Most Presentations Fail

    • 10 You Have Some Interesting Fellow Students Here

    • 11 Master the Most Important Body Part in Body Language

    • 12 Influence Your Audience By Starting Right Here

    • 13 This Is How You Will Motivate Your Audience

    • 14 This ONE Thing Is the Difference Between Great Speakers and Everyone Else

    • 15 Your Picture will Be Worth 10,000 Words

    • 16 Never Forget What To Say Again!

    • 17 The Perfect Start for Your Presentation

    • 18 This Won't Hurt A Bit, I Promise!

    • 19 The REAL Secret to Practicing Presentation Skills on Video That Nobody Gets

    • 20 Presentation Skills Are NOT Soft Skills! They Are Hard Skills That Can Be Tested

    • 21 The Most Important Thing I will Ever Ask You to Do In This Course

    • 22 Pardon Me, But Are You Sure...

    • 23 Testing Your Presentation Skills from Every Direction

    • 24 Eliminate Fear, Build Confidence, for Every Future Presentation

    • 25 Congratulations IF You have Done the Work So Far

    • 26 How To Get The Most Out of the Rest of This Course

  • 2

    Direct Answers To Your Most Frequently Asked Questions

    • 27 If You Are In a Hurry To Find An Answer To a Specific Question, Start Here

    • 28 What Do I Do With My Hands While Giving a Presentation

    • 29 What do You Do If You Are Nervous Before Giving a Presentation

    • 30 What is the #1 Blunder Most People Make In their Presentation Skills

    • 31 What Is the #1 Thing You Can Do to Improve Your Presentation

    • 32 How Can You Remember What To Say During a Presentation

    • 33 Who Is the Best Speaker In The World

    • 34 What If You Are Asked a Question and You Don't Know the Answer

    • 35 What Should Happen After the Presentation

    • 36 Is It a Good Idea to Memorize a Presentation

    • 37 What Is the Best Way to Write a Presentation

    • 38 What Do You Do If You are Losing the Audience

    • 39 What Do You Do If You Hate Your Voice

    • 40 Is It OK to Use Alcohol, Beta Blockers or Marijuana to Calm Yourself

    • 41 What Do You Do If You Mess Up In The Middle of a Presentation

    • 42 Should You Tell 'Em What You're Gonna Tell 'Em

    • 43 Is It OK To Wear Glasses During a Presentation

    • 44 Should You Warn Your Audience That You are Going to Be Boring

    • 45 Shout I Use PowerPoint

    • 46 How Long Should I Rehearse My Presentation

    • 47 Should I Read My Presentation

    • 48 How Long Should a Presentation Be

    • 49 How Many Bullet Points Should Be On a PowerPoint Slide

    • 50 Is It OK To Use Builds In a PowerPoint

    • 51 Should You Look At One Friendly Face While Giving a Presentation

    • 52 What is Everything You Need to Know about PowerPoint In One Minute

    • 53 What is a 'Magic Phrase' for Presenters

    • 54 What Do I Do If My Presenting Times Is Cut Back At The Last Minute

    • 55 What Is the Best Way To Start a Presentation

    • 56 How Do You Present With True Confidence

    • 57 How Do You Present In Front Of a Large Audience

    • 58 How Can You Sound Conversational While Giving a Presentation

    • 59 How Can You Smile During a Presentation

    • 60 How do You Recover from a Memory Lapse When Giving a Presentation

    • 61 How Do You Manage Time When Giving a Presentation

    • 62 How Can You Make Prepared Remarks as Interesting as the Q and A Session

    • 63 How Do You Make an Acceptance Speech

    • 64 Is It a Good Idea to Use Animation and Special Effects

    • 65 Aren't Presentation Skills Something You Are Either Born With Or Not

    • 66 Am I Better Off Just Winging It

    • 67 How do You deal With Audience Members Who are Texting During Your Presentation

    • 68 What Do You Do If You Have a Technical Malfunction During Your Presentation

    • 69 What Is The Best Way to Close a Presentation

    • 70 How do You Avoid Making a Bad Impression During a Presentation

    • 71 How Should You Be Introduced Before Making a Presentation

    • 72 How Many Slides Should You Have In a PowerPoint Presentation

    • 73 How Do You Get Your Audience to Focus on You

    • 74 How Do I Pick a Topic for a Presentation

    • 75 How Do I Know What Messages Will Be Interesting To My Audience

    • 76 Can I Make Up Stories for My Presentations

    • 77 What Is the Best Way to Tell A Story In My Presentation

    • 78 How Do You Consistently Improve as a Presenter

    • 79 How Can You Test Your Presentation

  • 3

    Your PowerPoint Presentation Will Engage Your Audience, Not Put Them to Sleep

    • 80 You Will Never Give Another PowerPoint Presentation

    • 81 The Perfect Starting Point for Any PowerPoint Presentation

    • 82 This Will Motivate You Audience to Do Exactly What You Want Them To Do

    • 83 What Are Your Motives for Delivering a PowerPoint Presentation

    • 84 The Worst Possible Reason To Use PowerPoint Is...

    • 85 Double Your PowerPoint, Double Your PowerPoint Pleasure

    • 86 The Ultimate 2-Part Test for Every PowerPoint Slide

    • 87 The Single Riskiest Thing You Could Ever Do When Delivering a PowerPoint

    • 88 The Essential Steps of Creating PowerPoint Presentations

    • 89 Your PowerPoint Presentation Must Be Just as Good as Your Q and A Session

    • 90 You Must Be Ready for Disaster Striking!

    • 91 It's Not PowerPoint That Is Boring, It Is (look in the mirror)

    • 92 Never Forget, YOU are the Boss of Your PowrPoint

    • 93 Stop Asking Your Audience to Multitask!

    • 94 The Perfect Number of PowerPoint Slides Is...

    • 95 The Perfect Number of Bullet Points Per slide Is...

    • 96 Here Is Exactly What Should Go On Your PowerPoint Slide

    • 97 This is How to Use a Graph In a PowerPoint

    • 98 Nobody Cares About What Is Easy for You To Do

    • 99 Would You Want to read a Book At A Movie Theater

    • 100 Your Audience Already Has a Preferred Way of Reading

    • 101 The Sequence of Your Presentation Is Key

    • 102 Get Your Audience to Focus On One Thing At a Time This Way

    • 103 Advancing Slides the Advanced Way

    • 104 Want a Remote Control Then Bring Your Own

    • 105 Complexity Is Your Enemy

    • 106 Ha! Nobody Can See the Bottom Half of Your Slides

    • 107 Only Liars Say 'There Is No time to Rehearse the PowerPoint Presentation'

    • 108 If Your PowerPoint Presentation Bores You, Guess Who Else It Bores

    • 109 Laser Pointers Should Be Used Like This

    • 110 One Image Per Slide Is the Golden Rule

    • 111 Never Let PowerPoint Be Your Downer

    • 112 Don't Become a Character In Your Own Horror Movie

    • 113 The Perfect Length of time for a PowerPoint Presentation Is...

    • 114 This Is How You Cheat To Win On Every PowerPoint Challenge

    • 115 Plan Your PowerPoint Preparation This Way

    • 116 Test Your PowerPoint On a fresh Set of Eyes and Ears

    • 117 If You Don't Want Your Audience to Ignore Your PowerPoint, Do This

    • 118 Answer These Questions Before Using Video In PowerPoint Presentations

    • 119 Assume You Are the Only Competent, Trustworthy Person In the World

    • 120 Don't Forget the Occasional Prop

    • 121 Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should

    • 122 Notes on Special Effects

    • 123 The Perfect Way to Start Every PowerPoint Presentation

    • 124 Mangers Will NEVER Have to Look at boring Employee PowerPoint Again!

    • 125 Here Is How to Deliver Somebody Else's PowerPoint Presentation

    • 126 Your PowerPoint Presentation Still Requires Stories

    • 127 Never Talk About Your PowerPoint

    • 128 Free Focus Group Research to Make all Your PowerPoint Presentations Improve

  • 4

    The Single Most Effective Presentation Skills Tool - Storytelling Mastery

    • 129 This DEVICE Is the Single Biggest Difference Between Great Speakers and Awful

    • 130 Become a MASTER Storyteller

    • 131 How to Use Stories When Giving TECHNICAL Presentations

    • 132 Your Turn to Craft and DELIVER Your Story

    • 133 Packaging Insights for Your Audience Using Stories

    • 134 Improving Your Story Telling

  • 5

    Time for TJ To Practice What He Preaches - Stories with a Point

    • 135 A Masterclass n Storytelling

    • 136 My Worst Presentation Ever!

    • 137 I Was The Skunk At the Party

    • 138 My Very First Presentation

    • 139 Presenting the WRONG Way to the Media

    • 140 Clintonian Eye Contact

    • 141 My Zombie Client

    • 142 Teaching Clients NOT to Act

    • 143 Surrounded by Machine Guns!

    • 144 The Crying Beauty Pageant Winner

    • 145 You Never Have to Lurk In the Shadows Again

    • 146 The Fluttering Bird Flying to Nowhere

    • 147 'I Can't do This' Becomes 'I Can Do This'

    • 148 My First Time on TV as 'The Fonz'

    • 149 Speaking To a Small Audience of 5,000 People

    • 150 The Show Must Go On

    • 151 Pre-YouTube Days Driving to One TV Station At a Time

    • 152 You Will Never Guess One early Role Model

    • 153 Fearlessness Is Often the Best PR Tool

    • 154 King for a Day

    • 155 TJ And the Cat Lady

    • 156 Why Did You Wear That Ugly Tie

    • 157 Less Is More

    • 158 The Missing Link

    • 159 A Nobel Experience

    • 160 The Fetal Position

    • 161 On My Hands And Knees Begging!

    • 162 Yes, My Stint on Reality TV

    • 163 Brought Down to Earth

    • 164 My Stagecoach to Pumpkin Moment

    • 165 Me and Ben Affleck

    • 166 Familiarity Breeds Contempt

    • 167 Ups and Downs and Ups and Downs

    • 168 The Least Listened To Talk Show Host Ever

    • 169 Nothing Beats a Good Gimmick

    • 170 Sometimes, Experience Just Means You Are Old

    • 171 Some Media Stars Are Approachable

    • 172 Waiting Til the Last Minute Is Always a Bad Idea

    • 173 Treated Like a King...And a Mark

    • 174 The Wrong Fit

    • 175 A Complete and Total Meltdown

    • 176 There Is Always Time for Anything Important

    • 177 Me and Mr. Rogers in '68

    • 178 Presenters Don't Get Paid What They Are Worth, They Can't Paid What They Ask For

    • 179 Nobody Knows Anything

    • 180 Riveted...On a Dairy Farm

    • 181 The World's Worst Vacuum Cleaner Salesman

    • 182 The Lowest Arena for Presentation Skills

    • 183 Presentation Skills On Video Will Sell You

    • 184 Showing Up On Time and Avoiding Drama

    • 185 It Can't Get Any Worse Than This

    • 186 Diamonds And Gold for You!

    • 187 Larry King's Public Speaking Secret

    • 188 The Best Worst Presentation I Ever Saw

    • 189 And The Winner of The Worst Dressed Award Is...

    • 190 This Superstar Is So Happy To See Me

    • 191 Going Into a Talking Career By Being Told 'Don't Talk'

    • 192 Some People Just Watch To Hear You Present For The Entertainment

    • 193 Cult Leaders Have Great Presentation Skills

    • 194 TJ the Carnival Barker!

    • 195 My First and Favorite Motivational Speaker

    • 196 A Story I Don't Tell Anywhere Else But Here

  • 6

    Here Is the Checklist I Use When Coaching Presentation Skills

    • 197 Here Is How I Critique Presentation Skills

    • 198 The Big Picture

    • 199 How to Use This Presentation Skills Checklist

    • 200 Proper Posture

    • 201 Developing Your Fair And Critical Eye

    • 202 Eye Contact

    • 203 Proper Clothing

    • 204 Hair!

    • 205 Face Movement

    • 206 Head Movement

    • 207 The Tricky Part About Judging Yourself

    • 208 Hand Movement

    • 209 Body Movement

    • 210 Movement Around Room

    • 211 Voice Volume

    • 212 Energy and Passion

    • 213 Proper Breathing

    • 214 Variation in Tone

    • 215 Pausing

    • 216 Speaking Speed

    • 217 Confident

    • 218 Comfortable

    • 219 Use A List. It Doesn't Have To Be My List

    • 220 Interesting Opening

    • 221 In the Moment

    • 222 Verbal Tics

    • 223 Easy To Understand Message

    • 224 Good Transitions

    • 225 Boring

    • 226 Engaging

    • 227 Interacting With Audience

    • 228 Focused Message

    • 229 Good Examples

    • 230 Relevant Stories

    • 231 Dialogue

    • 232 Good, Simple Words

    • 233 Vary Sentence Structure

    • 234 Biz Speak or Jargon

    • 235 Explains Benefits to Audience

    • 236 Call to Action

    • 237 Strong Ending

    • 238 PowerPoint Presentations

    • 239 Simple, Understandable Slides

    • 240 Dumping Data Excesssively

    • 242 Good Photos and Images

    • 241 Slide Management

    • 243 Use Blank Screens

    • 244 Ignoring Audience

    • 245 Don't Fixate On the Negatives!

    • 246 How to Use Checklists In Real Life

  • 7

    Learn Presentation Skills Secrets from Top World Leaders, Celebrities & Athletes

    • 247 Learn Presentation Skills from Your Role Models

    • 248 Oprah Winfrey

    • 249 Nelson Mandela

    • 250 Martha Stewart

    • 251 Bill O'Reilly

    • 252 Bill Clinton

    • 253 Deepak Chopra

    • 254 William F. Buckley

    • 255 Samantha Bee

    • 256 Tony Blair

    • 257 Amy Cuddy

    • 258 Dick Clark

    • 259 Winston Churchill

    • 260 Steve Harvey

    • 261 Ronald Reagan

    • 262 Jesse Jackson

    • 263 Robin Williams

    • 264 Rush Limbaugh

    • 265 Ellen DeGeneres

    • 266 Barack Obama

    • 268 Joan Rivers

    • 269 Fidel Castro

    • 270 Bill Maher

    • 271 Suze Orman

    • 272 Larry King

    • 273 Barbara Walters

    • 274 Emeril Lagasse

    • 275 Rachel Ray

    • 276 Les Brown

    • 277 Eleanor Roosevelt

    • 278 Steve Jobs

    • 279 Johnny Carson

    • 282 Judge Judy

    • 280 Warren Buffett

    • 281 David Letterman

    • 283 Billy Graham

    • 284 Dr. Phil

    • 284 Malcolm X

    • 285 Joel Osteen

    • 286 John F. Kennedy

    • 288 Margaret Thatcher

    • 289 Martin Luther King Jr.

    • 290 Abraham Lincoln

    • 291 Zig Ziglar

    • 292 Franklin D. Roosevelt

    • 293 Teddy Roosevelt

    • 294 Anthony Robbins

    • 295 Gary Vaynerchuk

    • 296 Adolf Hitler

  • 8

    Eliminate Your Fear of Presenting

    • 313 Origins of Speaking Anxiety

    • 314 Fake Solutions that don't Work

    • 315 The Process of Eliminating Your Fear

    • 316 Rehearsing Your Presentation on Video

    • 317 Cheat the System

    • 319 The Confident Speakers Attitude

    • 318 Practice Makes...Comfortable

  • 9

    23 Improving Your Voice for Presentations

    • 464 How to Improve Your Voice Overview

    • 465 How to Improve Your Voice Famous Bad Voices

    • 466 How to Improve You Voice Record Your Voice

    • 467 How to Improve Your Voice Diagnosis Your Own Voice

    • 468 How to Improve Your Voice Feedback from Others

    • 469 How to Improve Your Voice Defining Your Exact Problems

    • 470 How to Improve Your voice Listen to Natural conversation

    • 471 How to Improve Your Voice Don't Lower Your Voice

    • 472 How to Improve Your Voice Other Techniques

    • 473 How to Improve Your Voice Conclusions

  • 10

    29 Presentation Skills In Workplace Meetings

    • 518 How to Speak Up at Meetings Overview

    • 519 How to Speak Up at Meetings Questions

    • 520 How to Speak Up at Meetings Notes

    • 521 How to Speak Up at Meetings Risk Assessment

    • 524 How to Speak Up at Meetings Conclusion

    • 522 How to Speak Up at Meetings Be Conversational

    • 523 How to Speak Up at Meetings Confidence

  • 11

    30 Presentation Skills When Part Of A Panel Discussion

    • 525 How to Present on a Panel Overview

    • 526 How to Present on a Panel Ground Rules

    • 527 How to Present on a Panel Top Three Messages

    • 528 How to Present on a Panel Stories for Panelists

    • 529 How to Present on a Panel Sitting Standing Notes

    • 530 How to Present on a Panel Look at Panelists

    • 531 How to Present on a Panel Conclusion

  • 12

    34 Conclusion - You are ready for a Lifetime of Great Presentations!

    • 546 Reminder, This Is Your Lifetime Presentation Skills Reference Tool

    • 548 Wow! You Have done it. Congratulations!

  • 13

    New Bonus Course - Video Conferencing Zoom Skype WebEX Tech Presentation Skills

    • 01 Quick Win! Here is How to Look Your Best in Front of a Video Camera

    • 02 This Is More Important Than the Technology Or How You Look

    • 03 Coronavirus Update and Impact on Video Conferencing

    • 04 Learn How Video Conference Meetings Are the Same & Different From Other Meetings

    • 05 This Insight Will Relax You

    • 07 The Most Important Technology Rule to Follow

    • 08 Lecture 8 Fusion

    • 09 Start A New Meeting In Zoom


    • 11 How To Schedule A Zoom Meeting

    • 12 How To Share Your Screen In Zoom

    • 13 How To Use The Additional Features in Zoom

    • 14 How To Set Up A Virtual BAckground In Zoom

    • 15 The Favorite Thing I Like About Zoom

    • 16 How To START UP Web Ex

    • 17 Join A Meeting In Web Ex

    • 18 How To Connect To A Web Ex Enabled Device

    • 19 Configuring Settings And Preferences In Web Ex

    • 20 Start A New Video or Audio Conversation In Skype

    • 21 How To Start A New Chat In Skype

    • 22 How To Use The Chat FUNCTIONS In Skype

    • 23 How To Make International, Mobile and Landline Calls and Buy Skype Credits

    • 24 How To USe The Meet Now Function Of Skype

    • 25 How To Configure Your Settings in Skype

    • 26 No, You Can't Just Use Your Voice and Hide Your Face

    • 27 Never Worry About How You Will Look On Video Again

    • 28 Follow These Tips To Look Your Very Best on Camera for Your Next Meeting

    • 29 This Is Why You Should NOT Use Teleprompters or Read Scripts

    • 30 This Is What You Should Wear for a Video Conference

    • 31 Avoid These Common Blunders at All Costs

    • 32 The Biggest Distraction Can Be...

    • 33 Solutions for Your Backdrop

    • 34 What Is the Best Video Camera to Use for Online Meetings

    • 35 Microphones to the Rescue

    • 36 Speakers, Headphones, Earpieces and More

    • 37 Use the Best Possible Internet Connection Possible

    • 38 Don't Talk about the Technology, Just Use the Technology

    • 39 Fundamentals of Effective Online Presentations

    • 40 Tips for Using Visuals In Online Meetings

    • 41 What If I am Not Hosting the Online Meeting But Might Have to Speak

    • 42 What Should My last Minute Checklist Include

    • 43 How Long Should a Video Meeting Last

    • 44 How do I Fix Problems with My Voice on a Video Conference

    • 45 Should You Memorize Your Online Presentation

    • 46 What If You Hate the Sound of Your Own Voice

    • 47 How Do You Reduce Background Noise

    • 48 What Else Can I do to Reduce Distractions During a Video Conference Meeting

    • 49 This Is What You Must Do If You Really Want to Pass With Flying Colors

    • 50 One last Chance to Get Your Questions and Suggestions Responded To

    • 51 Congrats! You Are Now Prepared to Communicate Effectively in Online Meetings