Course curriculum

  • 1

    You Will Master the Media

    • 00 Promo Complete Media Training Master Class - Confidence on Camera

    • 1 Quick Wins! Look Thinner on Camera, Easy Sound Bite Solutions, Pro Rehearsals

    • 2 You Can Look Great, Shape a Message, Answer Questions and Speak in Sound Bites

    • 3 Here Is How to Get the Most Value Out of This Course

    • 4 Doing This One Thing Will Give You Total Confidence Before Any Media Appearance

    • 5 It's OK To Feel Uncomfortable On Camera - Here's How to Get Over It

    • Complete Media Training Master Class Promo Video

  • 2

    Look Comfortable, Confident and Relaxed In Front of Every TV and Video Camera

    • 7 Sell the Message by Selling the Messenger

    • 8 Sit Like This to Look Your Best

    • 9 Here Is Where to Look On Camera

    • 10 Never Look Bored or Scared Again

    • 11 Move Like a Seasoned TV Pro

    • 12 Never Let the Seat Swallow You Up

    • 13 Standing In Front of the Camera With the Greatest of Ease

    • 14 Dressing for TV and Video Success

    • 15 Your Turn to Be On Camera

    • 16 How the Media Pros Rehearse Their Interviews

  • 3

    Makeup Is For Everyone

    • 17 Here is Why You Need Makeup for TV and Video

    • 18 Makeup Tips Just for Women

    • 19 Makeup Tips Just for Men

    • 20 Figure Out What Makeup Needs You Have

    • 21 Your Makeup System

  • 4

    You Can Create The Perfect Media Message

    • 22 Accomplish Your Goals With The Right Message

    • 23 Anticipating the Reporters' Questions

    • 24 Creating Messages The Media Will Find Irresistible

    • 25 Find the right Message for Your Audience

    • 26 Stress What Is Important to YOU

    • 27 You Have Solved the Problem

    • 28 Results Won't Speak for Themselves, But You Can

    • 29 The Power Of Your Positive Messaging

    • 30 Brainstorming Your Message Points To Get the Best

    • 31 The Venn Diagram for Messaging Success

    • 32 Summary of Messaging Elements

    • 33 Your Turn to Brainstorm Your Messages

    • 34 Time to Test Your Messages Out Loud

  • 5

    Even the Toughest Questions Can Be Answered Easily

    • 35 Never Stress Over the Questions Again

    • 36 Your Turn to Ask Questions

    • 37 Pick the Easiest Question for You

    • 38 Use a Cheat Sheet And Never Get Caught

    • 39 Never Call Yourself a Crook

    • 40 Never Lose a Media Debate By Not Debating

    • 41 Make 'I Don't Know' Your Best Friend

    • 42 Always Be Moving Toward Your Message Points

    • 43 Brief and Bland Can Be Best

    • 44 Three IS the Magic Number

    • 45 The Ultimate Skill - Rewriting the Question

    • 46 You Don't Have to Control the Interview - Just Control Your Own Mouth

    • 47 And One More Avoid

    • 48 Summary of Answering Tactics

    • 49 Demonstrating Your Answering Abilities

  • 6

    Get the EXACT Sound Bites and Quotes You Want in Stories

    • 50 The Most Important Part of Your Media Prep

    • 51 Bold, Action Words Will Get You Quoted

    • 52 How Do You Really Feel About This

    • 53 For Example...

    • 54 Attack!!! Attack!!! Attack!!!

    • 55 Absolutes Are Absolutely Easy to Get Quoted

    • 56 Cliches Might Not Impress Your English Teacher, but...

    • 57 Laugh Your Way to Media Success

    • 58 What Else Is a Great Way to Get Quoted

    • 59 Analogies Are Your Friends

    • 60 Learning Moment

    • 61 Pop Culture References are Irresistible to Reporters

    • 62 Summary of Top Ten Sound Bite Elements

    • 63 Sounds Bites Are a Means Not an End

    • 64 The Five Potential Outcomes of Every Media Interview

    • 65 The Perfect Media Mindset

    • 66 Test Your Sound Bites

    • 67 Your Turn to Create Sound Bites

    • 68 The Three Simplest Sound Bite Patterns Are...

    • 69 Total Sound Bite Failure

    • 70 Putting Your Sound Bites Together

    • 71 Summary of Course So Far

  • 7

    How to Rehearse and Practice Media Interviews

    • 72 How to Rehearse and Practice Media Interviews Overview

    • 73 Find a Practice Partner

    • 74 Video Is the Solution

    • 75 Practicing On Video Is Useless, Unless You Do...

    • 76 Fixate on the Positive

    • 77 Practice on Video

    • 78 Focus On Just One Thing

    • 79 Keep Refining

    • 80 Finding the Time to Rehearse

    • 81 Hold Up the Mirror

  • 8

    Assessment Forms to Help You Grade Yourself and Others

    • 82 Assessing media performance Overview

    • 84 Posture

    • 85 Eye Contact

    • 87 Hair

    • 86 Clothing

    • 88 Face Movement

    • 89 Head Movement

    • 90 Gestures

    • 91 Body Movement

    • 92 Voice Volume

    • 93 Energy

    • 95 Variation in Tone

    • 96 Pauses

    • 94 Proper Breathing

    • 97 Speaking Speed

    • 98 Confident

    • 99 Comfortable

    • 100 Answer Questions

    • 102 Verbal Tics

    • 101 In The Moment

    • 103 Easy to Understand

    • 104 Easy Transitions

    • 105 Enthusiastic

    • 106 Engaging

    • 107 Worthwhile Message

    • 108 Simple Messages

    • 109 Examples

    • 110 Stories

    • 111 Simple Words

    • 112 Sentence Structure Variation

    • 113 Biz Speak and Fillers

    • 114 Repeat Questions

    • 115 On the Defensive

    • 116 Promote Cause

    • 117 Most Important. Sound Bites

  • 9

    Frequently Asked Media Training Questions

    • 119 What Do I Do With My Hands

    • 120 Do I Have a Face for TV or Radio

    • 121 Do You Have to Stick to All 3 Messages In Every Answer

    • 122 Is It OK to Walk Out During Media Interview

    • 123 What If You Have an Itch During a TV Interview

    • 124 What Do You Do If Your Earpiece Pops Out During an Interview

    • 125 What If You Get Thirsty During a Media Interview

    • 126 Should You Shake the TV Host's Hand After the Interview

    • 127 Why Do You Hate Teleprompters

    • 128 Should You Mention the Reporter By Name During the Interview

    • 129 Is It OK to Say 'That's a Good Question'

    • 130 What Is the Difference Between People Who are Good at Interviews Versus Great

    • 131 How Do You Stall a Reporter

    • 132 What is the difference Between YouTube and Facebook Video

    • 133 Should You Memorize Your Messages and Sound Bites

    • 134 What If You Have to Do an Interview In Another Language

    • 135 What Does Off the Record Mean

    • 136 How Do You Plan an Ad Lib

    • 137 What Can I Not Teach People

    • 138 What does On Background Mean

    • 139 What Does Not for Attribution Mean

    • 140 What do You Do If You Were Misquoted

    • 141 How Do You Decide Whether to Do a Media Interview

    • 142 What Is the Wrong Thing to Focus On

    • 143 How Can I Get to Be a TED Speaker

    • 144 What Do You Do If a Reporter Makes a Factual Mistake

    • 145 When Is It OK To Say NO Comment

    • 146 How Do You Establish Ground Rules With Reporters

    • 147 What Is the Difference Between Media Training and Public Speaking Training

    • 148 Why Does Skype Video Look so Bad

    • 149 What Is the Best Video Editing Software

    • 150 How Did You Get To Be So Smooth and Professional On Camera

    • 151 What Is My Favorite Medium

    • 152 Who Is the Best Speaker of All Time

    • 153 Can You Lie to The News Media

    • 154 Can You ask Reporters to Read Back Your Quotes to You

    • 155 Do You Have to Wait for Reporters to Call You

    • 156 What is the Number One Mistake Most People Make Going Into Interviews

    • 157 What Are Little Distractions People Make

    • 158 Do You Get Nervous Before a Media Interview

    • 159 What Are the Top Three Blunders People Make

    • 160 What Is the Most Important Thing To Know About Lighting

    • 161 What Is the Best Video Camera to Use for Media Training

    • 162 How Can You Be More Concise During a Media Interview

    • 163 What Is Media Training

    • 164 What Do You Do If You Are Nervous Before a TV Interview

    • 165 Where Do You Look During a TV Interview

    • 166 How do You Tell If Your Media Interview Was Effective

    • 167 What Do You Do If You Forget What To Say

    • 168 Should You Wear Glasses During an On-Camera Interview

    • 169 Should You Take a Beta-Blocker, Drink Alcohol or Use Marijuana Before Interviews

    • 170 How Do You Think On Your Feet During an Interview

    • 171 What Is the Best Way to Speak Into a Microphone

    • 172 Should I Say I am Nervous

    • 173 What Do You Do If You Hate Your Voice

    • 174 How Do I Get the Questions From the Reporter In Advance

    • 175 What Happens In a Live Media Training

    • 176 Are You Born With Great Media Skills Or Are They Learned

    • 177 How Do You Improve media Skills On a Regular Basis

    • 178 What Is the Best Way to Dress for a TV Interview

    • 179 What Do You Do If the Host Keeps Interrupting You

    • 180 Should I Take Acting Classes

    • 181 How do You Deal With a Biased Reporter

  • 10

    Advanced Media Training Techniques

    • 182 Overview Of Advanced Media Training Techniques Section

    • 183 The MIc Check Promo

    • 184 Be Super Easy To Get A Hold Of

    • 185 Eliminate Gatekeepers

    • 186 Treat Every Media Contact Like a VIP

    • 187 Look for In-Person Opportunities To Meet the Media

    • 188 Show Up Early

    • 189 Practice Your Craft Every Day

    • 190 Never Pass By a TV Camera

    • 191 Front-load Your Sound Bites

    • 192 Free-styling in Interviews

    • 193 Experiment Until You Find Your Best Medium

    • 194 Don't Turn Down Media Requests

    • 195 Create and Communicate Daily

    • 196 Test How You Look On Different Formats

    • 197 Advanced Makeup Tip

    • 198 More Sound Bite Tips

    • 199 Don't Call Media Training 'Media Training'

    • 200 Salvaging a Bad Press Conference

    • 201 Use Video As Your Default Medium

    • 202 Know How to Make Your Own Video Quickly and Easily

    • 203 Develop a Thick Skin

    • 204 Operate In the Current Media Reality

    • 205 Write One or More Books

  • 11

    Crisis Communications Media Training

    • 206 Overview of Crisis Communications Training Section

    • 208 The Real Difference Between Media Training and Crisis Communications Training

    • 209 Time Is Of the Essence

    • 210 Assemble Your Crisis Communications Team

    • 211 The Negative Side of Positive Thinking

    • 212 The Crisis Has Just Hit

    • 213 Messaging for the Crisis

    • 214 The Three Worst Responses During a Crisis

    • 215 The Best and Safest Answer in Crisis Communications

    • 216 Managing Media Requests During a Crisis

    • 217 Let Lawyers Tell You What NOT to Say, But NOT What TO Say

    • 218 Don't Try to Control the Media - Control Your Message

    • 219 Lessons from the BP Gulf Oil Spill

    • 220 Yes, You Can Rehearse Even In the Middle of a Crisis

    • 221 Can You Read a Statement On Camera

    • 222 Can I Just Put Out a Statement and Not answer Questions

    • 223 Don't Hide Your Crisis Communications

    • 224 Update the Media Frequently

    • 225 Rehearsal Is Not a Luxury

    • 226 Build Relationships With Reporters Before the Crisis Happens

    • 227 Crisis Communications Conclusion

  • 12

    14 In-Person and Telephone Interviews With Print and Online Journalists

    • 259 Don't Relax Just Yet!

    • 261 A Guaranteed Cheat Sheet

    • 262 The Minders Can't Help You Once the Interview Starts

    • 263 Don't Conduct Interviews on Speaker Phone

    • 264 Sound Bites Are More Than Ever

    • 265 Stand During the Interivew

    • 266 Offer a Video Statement to Any Reporter interviewing You Over the Phone

  • 13

    15 How To Be a Good Podcast Guest

    • 269 Go Deep In Your Podcast Interview

    • 267 The Difference Between Podcasts and Radio Programs

    • 268 Don't Always Be Closing

  • 14

    16 Corporate Spokesperson Policies

    • 270 Determining Your Media Policy

    • 271 Employees Need to Be Media Trained

    • 272 Successful Standard Operating Procedures Before any Media Interview Takes Place

  • 15

    17 How to Be a Media Trainer, Coach, Adviser

    • 273 You Can Coach People to Be Great Media Communicators

    • 275 The Power of the Positive

    • 276 Talking Isn't Training

    • 277 Questions Aren't the Most Important Part of the Prep

    • 278 You Have to Help Someone Look and Feel Comfortable First

    • 279 The Perfect Start to a Media Training

    • 280 The Secret Interview

    • 281 Make Just One Improvement

    • 283 Using Every Second of the Clock

    • 282 Demonstrate Best Practices

    • 284 Test the Messages

    • 285 There is Always Time to Rehearse

    • 286 The Importance of a Strong Message

    • 287 Interview Practice the Right Way

    • 288 More Practice, More Improvement

    • 289 Nothing Matters Without Great Sound Bites

    • 290 Time for an Easy Practice

    • 291 Counting Sound Bites

    • 292 Putting All Their Skills Together

    • 293 Ending on a High Note

    • 294 Conclusion on How to Be a Media Trainer, Coach or Consultant

  • 16

    19 Media Training for Beginners - No Experience or Bravery Necessary

    • 312 Media Training Beginners Overview

    • 313 Media Training Beginners Message

    • 314 Media Training Beginners Answering Questions

    • 315 Media Training Beginners Creating Sound Bites

    • 316 Media Training for Beginners Cheat Sheet

    • 317 Media Training for Beginners Looking Good on TV

    • 318 Media Training for Beginners Conclusion

  • 17

    20 Emergency Media Training: How to Face a Reporter In 2 Hours

    • 319 Your Media Goals

    • 320 Emergency Media Training What Not to Do

    • 321 Emergency Media Training Your Message

    • 322 Emergency Media Training Message for Media

    • 323 Emergency Media Training Message for Audience

    • 324 Emergency Media Training Final Message

    • 325 Emergency Media Training Message Test

    • 326 Emergency Media Training Answering Questions

    • 327 Creating sound bites

    • 328 Emergency Media Training Video Practice and Conclusion

    • 329 Emergency Media Training Bonus TV Tips

  • 18

    21 How to Host Your Own Podcast

    • 330 How to Present on a Podcast Overview

    • 331 How to Present on a Podcast Topic

    • 332 How to Present on a Podcast Format

    • 333 How to Present on a Podcast Notes

    • 334 How to Present on a Podcast Record

    • 335 How to Present on a Podcast Critiquing Your Voice

    • 336 How to Present on a Podcast 2nd Critique

    • 337 How to Present on a Podcast Conclusion

  • 19

    22 How to Be a Great Radio Guest

    • 340 How to Speak on Radio Goal

    • 341 How to Speak on Radio Message

    • 342 How to Speak on Radio Sound Bites

    • 343 How to Speak on Radio Elements of a Good Guest

    • 344 How to Speak on Radio Phones

    • 345 How to Speak on Radio Studio versus Phone

    • 346 How to Speak on Radio Be Ready for attacks

    • 347 How to Speak on Radio 1st Rehearsal

    • 338 How to Speak on Radio Intro

    • 348 How to Speak on Radio Air Checks

    • 349 How to Speak on Radio Conclusion

  • 20

    23 Media Training for Press Conferences

    • 350 How to Speak at a Press Conference Intro

    • 352 How to Speak at a Press Conference Goals

    • 353 How to Speak at a Press Conference Dont Read Speech

    • 354 How to Speak at a Press confrence Backdrop

    • 355 How to Speak at a Press conference Speech Structure

    • 356 How to Speak at a Press Conference Coddle TV Reporters

    • 357 How to Speak at a Press Conference What if Nobody Shows

    • 358 How to Speak at a Press Conference video Rehearsal

    • 359 How to Speak at a Press Conference Conclusion

  • 21

    24 How to Improve and Get More Comfortable With Your Own Voice

    • 360 How to Improve Your Voice Overview

    • 361 How to Improve Your Voice Famous Bad Voices

    • 362 How to Improve You Voice Record Your Voice

    • 363 How to Improve Your Voice Diagnosis Your Own Voice

    • 364 How to Improve Your Voice Feedback from Others

    • 365 How to Improve Your Voice Defining Your Exact Problems

    • 366 How to Improve Your voice Listen to Natural conversation

    • 367 How to Improve Your Voice Practice Again and Record

    • 368 How to Improve Your Voice Don't Lower Your Voice

    • 369 How to Improve Your Voice practice on Video

    • 370 How to Improve Your Voice Other Techniques

    • 371 How to Improve Your Voice Conclusions

  • 22

    25 How To Speak Effectively On Your Own YouTube Channel

    • 372 how-to-create-a-digital-tv-network-overview-part-1-starting-a-youtube-channelmp4

    • 373 how-to-create-a-digital-tv-network-editorial-focus-part-2mp4

    • 374 how-to-create-a-digital-tv-network-how-to-start-part-3-starting-a-youtube-channelmp4

    • 375 how-to-create-a-digital-tv-network-style-options-part-4-starting-a-youtube-channelmp4

    • 376 how-to-create-a-digital-tv-network-editing-part-6-starting-a-youtube-channelmp4

    • 377 how-to-create-a-digital-tv-network-blunders-part-7-starting-a-youtube-channelmp4

    • 378 how-to-create-a-digital-tv-network-promotion-part-8-starting-a-youtube-channelmp4 (1)

    • 379 how-to-create-a-digital-tv-network-graphics-part-9-starting-a-youtube-channelmp4

    • 380 how-to-create-a-digital-tv-network-business-model-part-10-starting-a-youtube-channelmp4

    • 381 how-to-create-a-digital-tv-network-final-tips-starting-a-youtube-channelmp4

  • 23

    26 How to Use Online Video to Deliver a Virtual Speech

    • 382 How to Give a keynote Speech Virtually Intro

    • 383 How to Give a Keynote Speech Virtually Live or Recorded

    • 384 How to Give a Keynote Speech Virtually Tech Requirements

    • 385 How to Give a Keynote Speech Virtually Tech at conference

    • 386 How to Give a Keynote Speech Virtually How to Deliver

    • 387 How to Give a Keynote Speech Virtually Performance Tips

    • 388 Your Speech Goals 2

    • 389 Stories

    • 390 How to Give a Keynote speech Virtually 1st Video Rehearsal

    • 391 How to Give a Keynote Speech Virtually Conclusion

    • 392 How to Give a Keynote Speech Virtually Bonus Demo Speech

  • 24

    27 Using Video to Pitch the Media - Video PR

    • 393 DIY PR Overview

    • 394 DIY PR Technology

    • 395 DIY PR Breaking News Videos

    • 396 Example of video on breaking news

    • 397 Example of planned news event

    • 398 DIY PR Video Press Releases

    • 399 DIY PR Evergreen Content

    • 400 DIY PR Audition Video

    • 401 example of audition video

    • 402 DIY PR Video Record Your Interviews

    • 403 DIY PR Bonus Performance Skills Improve

    • 404 Concluding thoughts

  • 25

    28 How to Be a Government Spokesperson or Public Information Officer

    • 405 How to Be a Government Spokesperson Intro

    • 407 How to Be a Government Spokesperson Message

    • 408 How to Be a Government Spokesperson Answering Questions

    • 409 How to Be a Government Spokesperson Sound Bites

    • 410 How to Be a Government Spokesperson Video Homework

    • 411 How to be a Government Spokesperson Conclusion

  • 26

    29 Media Training for Authors

    • 412 Media Training for Authors Intro

    • 414 Media Training for Authors Nobody Cares About Your Book

    • 415 Media Training for Authors Message for Topic of the day, Not Your Book

    • 416 Media Training for Authors Create a Gimmick

    • 417 Media Training for Authors Talk Show Hosts Won't Read Your Book

    • 418 Media Training for Authors Be the Media

    • 419 Media Training for Authors Expertise not Authorship

    • 420 Media Training for Authors How Often to Mention the Book

    • 421 Media Training for Authors How Authors Can Look Good on TV

    • 422 Media Training for Authors Message from Your Book

    • 423 Media Training for Authors Conclusion

  • 27

    30 Media Training for Financial Service Professionals

    • 424 Media Training for Financial Service Professionals Intro

    • 426 Media Training for Financial Service Professionals Jim Cramer Energy

    • 427 Media Training for Financial Service Professionals Initiate Content and Contact

    • 428 Media Training for Financial Service Professionals Avoid Complexity

    • 429 Media Training for Financial Service Professionals Conclusion

  • 28

    31 Media Training for Political Candidates

    • 430 Candidate Why are you running for office

    • 431 Candidate Top 3 Messages

    • 433 Candidate Running Against an Incumbent

    • 434 Candidate The Stump Speech

    • 435 Candidate Dealing with the Media

    • 436 Candidate Conclusion

  • 29

    32 Media Training for Doctors and Healthcare Officials

    • 437 Media Training for Doctors and Health Care Professionals Overview

    • 438 Media Training for Doctors and Health Care Professionals Simplify Complex Medical Issues

    • 439 Media Training for Doctors and Health Care Professionals Clothes

    • 440 Media Training for Doctors and Health Care Professionals Conclusion

  • 30

    33 Media Training for Oil, Gas, and Energy Executives

    • 441 Oil and Gas Overview

    • 442 How to Frame Your Message

    • 444 Oil and Gas Answering Questions

    • 445 Oil and Gas Sound Bites

    • 446 How to Rehearse in 60 Seconds

    • 447 Oil and Gas Social Media

    • 448 Oil and Gas Speed

    • 449 Oil and Gas Photos

    • 450 Oil and Gas Non-Accident Crises

    • 451 Oil and Gas Conclusion

  • 31

    34 Crisis Media Training for the Aviation Industry

    • 452 Crisis Communications Training for Airline Executives Intro

    • 454 Overview

    • 455 Crisis Communications Training for Airline Executives TV and the Visual

    • 456 Crisis Communications Training for Airline Executives 4 Goals

    • 457 Creating Your Message

    • 458 Distributing Your Message

    • 459 The Biggest Blunders to Avoid

    • 460 Crisis Communications Training for Airline Executives 1st Crisis Scenario

    • 461 Crisis Communications Training for Airline Executives Conclusion

  • 32

    35 How to Communicate Effectively When Creating Your Own Online Video Courses

    • 462 How to Teach an Online Course Intro

    • 463 How to Teach an Online Course Topic

    • 464 How to Teach an Online Course Elephant in the Room

    • 465 How to Teach an Online course The Virtual Classroom Technology

    • 466 How to Teach An Online Course On Camera Skills

    • 467 How to Teach an Online Course 2nd Video Rehearsal

    • 468 How to Teach an Online course Video Length

    • 469 How to Teach an Online course Interactivity

    • 470 How to Teach an Online course Structure

    • 471 How to Teach an Online course Conclusion

  • 33

    Advanced Insights on How to Create Your Own Online Courses - Blunders to Avoid

    • 472 My Half a Million Dollar Mistake

    • 473 Everything You Need to Be Successful Is Right In Front of You

    • 474 Ready. Fire. Aim. Don't Let This Be You

    • 475 Avoid Being the Greedy Pig That Gets Slaughtered

    • 476 The Online Training World Is Its Own Unique, Weird Little World

    • 477 Nurturing a Great Relationship with Udemy

    • 478 Wild Goose Chases To Avoid

    • 479 Avoiding Production Blunders That Could Destroy You

    • 480 Not Looking and Sounding Like An Idiot

    • 481 Develop an S.O.P. And Don't Be An SAP

    • 482 Become a Trusted Adviser to Your Students

    • 483 Your Courses Will Evolve and Grow, Not Shrink and Die

    • 484 Strategic Blunders to Run From

    • 485 Conclusion - Your Clear Path to Success in Online Course Creation

  • 34

    How To Make Really Simple Talking Head Videos

    • 486 How to make a Simple Talking Head Video Overview

    • 487 How to Make Simple Talking Head Video Goal

    • 488 How to Make Simple Talking Head Video Messages

    • 489 How to Make simple Talking Head Video Cheat Sheet

    • 490 How to make a Simple Talking Head video Technology

    • 492 How to Make a simple Talking Head Video Practice on video

    • 493 How to Make a Simple Talking Head Video Focus on Just One Thing

    • 494 How to Make a Simple Talking Head Video Focus on 2nd Thing

    • 497 How to Make Simple Talking Head Video Conclusion

    • 495 How to Make Simple Talking Head Video REcord Til You are Happy

    • 496 How to Make Simple Talking Head Video Feedback from Peers

    • 491 How to Make a simple Talking Head Video Looking Good on Camera

  • 35

    How to Be a Talk Show Host

    • 498 How to Be a Talk Show Host Intro

    • 499 How to Be a Talk Show Host Format

    • 500 How to Be a Talk Show Host Role Models

    • 501 How to Be a Talk Show Host Technical Issues

    • 502 How to Be a Talk Show Host How To get To Be a Talk Show Host

    • 503 How to Be a Talk Show Host 1st Video Practice

    • 504 How to Be a Talk Show Host 2nd Video Rehearsal

    • 505 How to Be a Talk Show Host Focus on Guests

    • 506 How to Be a Talk Show Host Good Guest versus Good Host

    • 507 How to Be a Talk Show Host TelePromPter

    • 508 How to Be a Talk Show Host Regular Schedule and feedback

    • 509 How to Be a Talk Show Host Conclusion

  • 36

    On-Camera Skills for TV Reporters and News Anchors

    • 510 On-Camera Skills for TV Reporters and News Anchors Intro

    • 512 On-Camera Skills for TV Reporters and News Anchors Comfort

    • 513 On-Camera Skills for TV Reporters and News Anchors Overview of Visuals

    • 514 On-Camera Skills for TV Reporters and News Anchors On Camera Interviews

    • 515 On-Camera Skills for TV Reporters and News Anchors Teleprompter Intro

    • 516 On Camera Skills for TV Reporters and News Anchors Conclusion

  • 37

    How to Conduct Interviews

    • 517 How to conduct Interviews Intro

    • 518 How to Conduct Interviews Person and Topic

    • 519 How to Conduct Interviews Everyone is a Journalist These Days

    • 520 How to Conduct Interviews Research the Guest

    • 521 How to Conduct Interviews Looking Good on Video

    • 522 How to conduct Interviews How to Ask Questions

    • 523 How to Conduct Interviews YouTube Posting

    • 524 How to Conduct Interviews Conclusion

  • 38

    How to Be a Pundit or News Analyst

    • 525 How to Be a TV Pundit Intro

    • 526 How to Be a TV Pundit History

    • 527 How to Be a TV Pundit Core Principles

    • 528 How to Be a TV Pundit Create Opinions

    • 529 How to Be a TV Pundit Sound Bites

    • 530 How to Be a TV Pundit Idea Distribution

    • 531 How to Be a TV Pundit The Perfect Press Release

    • 532 How to Be a TV Pundit How to Look Good on TV

    • 533 How to Be a TV Pundit Daily YouTube

    • 534 How to Be a TV Pundit Conclusion

  • 39

    Housekeeping Issues

    • 535 Housekeeping Issues Overview

    • 536 Who Is TJ Walker

    • 537 The Real Secret to Getting Value from This Course

    • 538 All of Your Questions Will Be Answered

    • 539 My First Time on TV as 'The Fonz'

    • 540 Ratings!

  • 40

    Bonus Videos

    • 541 Media Training - The Complete Media Training Video Course

    • 542 Crisis Communications _ The Complete Crisis Communications Overview

  • 41

    Bonus Reading - 5 TJ Walker Media Training Books for You

    • 1001_Ways_to_Wow_the_Media

    • Public Speaking Success - How Anyone Can Become A Better Presenter

    • Secret to Foolproof Presentations

    • MediaTrainingA-Z

    • Media Training Success - How Anyone Can Become A Media Pro

  • 42


    • 544 Concluding for Now, But Not Good Bye

    • 545 Ongoing Support

    • 546 This Course has a Companion YouTube Channel

    • 547 Keep Experimenting With the Media

    • 548 You Have a Say so In Improving This Course

    • 549 Congratulations, You Are Are Now Ready to Be a Master of the Media