Course curriculum

  • 1

    You Can Be a Communication Skills Master

    • 1 Quick Wins! The High Tech Way to Perfect Communication

    • 2 Listening is key (and why this isn't just a public speaking course)

    • 3 Become part of the top 1% of communicators right now!

    • 4 Good news, the problems we think we have, aren't real

    • 5 Communications skills are the most important skills for success and are the least taught

    • 6 Direct versus indirect communication

    • 7 Let's hop in with something new. Big Business Communications

  • 2

    Customer Communication Skills For Your Consumer Life

    • 8 Communicate your message to companies, big and small, to get them to take action

    • 9 One person can get a huge corporation to pay attention and make things right

    • 10 This video ruined the weekend of Executives at a major Phone Company

    • 11 Here's what really happened. (1. goal. 2. message. 3. multiple audiences. 4. delivery mechanism. 5. style.)

    • 12 Never Let Any Company Have the Final Word with you again

  • 3

    Accomplish Exactly What You Want With Assertive, Persuasive Communication

    • 13 Here is how you get Exactly Want you Want

    • 14 Master the Key to Motivation and Persuasion

    • 15 Nobody Cares About You, and That's OK

    • 16 See It, Taste It, Touch It, Feel It, Be It - Selling with Your Story

    • 17 The Ultimate in Confidence builder - Seeing is believing

    • 18 It's Easy to pass a Test when the Answer Is right in front of you

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    A Few More Communication Fundamentals and You will Be Ready for Anything...

    • 19 You Are Normal to Fear Communicating In Some Circumstances

    • 20 The Power of the Positive

    • 21 Debunking the Myth of Charisma

    • 22 Never Fall for These Communication Gimmicks Again!

    • 23 Here is where You decide if You are serious about improving your skills

    • 24 Here is How to Get the Most Out of The rest of this course

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    If You are in A Hurry and Only Have 1 Hour, Start Here

    • 25 Quick Wins! The Secret to Using Speaker Notes Effectively

    • 26 Avoiding The Initial Wrong Turn Most Speakers and Presenters Make

    • 27 Developing Expert Judgment for Your Public Speaking and Presenting Opportuniti

    • 28 The Radical Yet Simple Solution To Finding Great Messages

    • 29 Your Stories Will Make Your Ideas Unforgettable

    • 30 Your PowerPoint Will Create Engagement, Not Slumber

    • 31 Building an Ethical Cheat Sheet Just for You

    • 32 This Is The Do Or Die Moment For Your Speaking Improvement

    • 34 I Will give You a Personalized Professional Presentation Critique Right Here

    • 33 There Is a Perfect Test for Your Speech Or Presentation

    • 35 Continuing Your Path of Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Impro

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    9 Workplace Communication: Effectively Deliver Criticism - Business Communication

    • 62 How to Deliver Criticism in the Workplace Intro

    • 63 How to Deliver Criticism in the Workplace Start with Praise

    • 64 How to Deliver Criticism in the Workplace Isolate Exactly What is Wrong

    • 65 How to Deliver Criticism in the Workplace Give Highly Specific Advice

    • 66 How to Deliver Criticism in the Workplace End with Positive Context

    • 67 How to Deliver Criticism in the Workplace Video Rehearsal

    • 68 How to Deliver Criticism in the Workplace Conclusion

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    10 Listening Skills: The Ultimate Business Communication Soft Skill for Leaders

    • 69 Quick Wins - The Cell Phone Secret to Good Listening Skills

    • 70 Stacking the Listening Environment in Your Favor

    • 71 The Telephone Listening Trap Will Never Catch You Again

    • 72 Housekeeping Note Sometimes You should Turn OFF Your Listening Skills

    • 73 Setting Just One Agenda Item Listening

    • 74 It Is Incredibly Easy to See How Well You Are Listening - Test

    • 75 It's Even Easier to Listen When You Do This...

    • 76 Technology Will Eat Your Brain Unless You Do This

    • 77 Using Your Most Effective Body Language Tool

    • 78 The Best Listening Body Language From the Neck Down

    • 79 Reading the Speaker's Body

    • 80 Connecting At the Emotional Level with Your Colleague To Hear All

    • 81 Mastering the Art Of NOT Interrupting

    • 82 Asking for Clarification Is A Great Form Of Listening

    • 83 Engaging In Conversation At Just the Right Time

    • 84 Strong Listening Creates Strong Reactions From You

    • 85 Honing Your Sense of Timing and Judgment to Make You a Great Listener

    • 86 Using The Magic of Pen and Paper Tools To Your Advantage

    • 87 Summarizing the Conversation Is Great for You and Your Colleague

    • 88 The One-Page Email Memo Summary Aces the Listening Skills Test - Every Time!

    • 89 Conclusion - Your New Reputation As a Great Listener!

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    13 Using Your Voice As a Communications Tool

    • 129 How to Improve You Voice Record Your Voice

    • 130 How to Improve Your Voice Diagnosis Your Own Voice

    • 131 How to Improve Your Voice Feedback from Others

    • 132 How to Improve Your Voice Defining Your Exact Problems

    • 133 How to Improve Your voice Listen to Natural conversation

    • 138 How to Improve Your Voice Conclusions

    • 134 How to Improve Your Voice Practice Again and Record

    • 135 How to Improve Your Voice Don't Lower Your Voice

    • 136 How to Improve Your Voice practice on Video

    • 137 How to Improve Your Voice Other Techniques

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    16 Assertiveness: You Can Be A More Assertive Communicator

    • 171 How to Be a More Assertive Public Speaker Intro

    • 172 How to Be a More Assertive Public Speaker Diagnosis

    • 175 How to Be a More Assertive Public Speaker Conclusion

    • 173 How to Be a More Assertive Public Speaker Must Have Style and Substance

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    17 Business Communication With Your Boss - How To Ask for a Raise

    • 176 Ask for a Raise Overview

    • 177 Ask for a Raise Timing

    • 179 Ask for a Raise Be Positive

    • 178 Ask for a Raise Ask for an Appointment

    • 180 Ask for a Raise The Future

    • 181 Ask for a Raise The Ask

    • 182 Ask for a Raise What Not to Do

    • 183 Ask for a Raise Competing Job Offers

    • 184 Ask for a Raise Video Rehearsal and Conclusion

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    24 Communication Skills for Technology Presentations

    • 295 How to Deliver Technology Presentations Intro

    • 296 How to deliver Technology Presentations Goal

    • 297 How to Deliver Technology Presentations Top Five Messages

    • 298 How to Deliver Technology Presentations Use Technology for Your Visuals

    • 299 How to Deliver Technology Presentations Don't get Lost in Details

    • 300 How to Deliver Technology Presentations Benefits not Features

    • 301 How to Deliver Technology Presentations Conclusion

  • 12

    39 Just for Beginners

    • 505 Quick, Ethical Ways to Cheat Your Way to Communication Success

    • 506 You Will Be Motivating, Not Data Dumping

    • 507 Powering Your Points With Images and Slides

    • 508 Practice In the Friendliest Environment of All

    • 509 Getting Feedback So It Won't Hurt

    • 510 Yes, Even Beginner CAN Tell Stories

    • 511 Test Tubes for You

    • 512 You Are In Great Company - Find Out Who

    • 513 GPS for Your Communications

    • 514 You have Now Mastered Basic and Beyond Communication Skills

  • 13

    40 Conquering Your of Public Speaking and Communicating

    • 515 Origins of Speaking Anxiety

    • 516 Fake Solutions that don't Work

    • 517 The Process of Eliminating Your Fear

    • 518 The Fear of Boring

    • 520 Cheat the System

    • 522 The Confident Speakers Attitude

    • 523 Long-Term Speaking Goals

    • 519 Rehearsing Your Presentation on Video

    • 521 Practice Makes...Comfortable

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    42 Frequently Asked Questions About Communication Skills

    • 527 What Do I Do With My Hands While Giving a Presentation

    • 528 What Is the Best Way to Write a Presentation

    • 529 Is It a Good Idea to Memorize a Presentation

    • 530 What Should Happen After the Presentation

    • 531 What If You Are Asked a Question and You Don't Know the Answer

    • 533 How Can You Remember What To Say During a Presentation

    • 532 Who Is the Best Speaker In The World

    • 534 What Is the #1 Thing You Can Do to Improve Your Presentation

    • 535 What is the #1 Blunder Most People Make In their Presentation Skills

    • 536 What do You Do If You Are Nervous Before Giving a Presentation

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    43 My Communication Stories

    • 537 Clintonian Eye Contact

    • 538 My Very First Presentation

    • 539 My Zombie Client

    • 540 Presenting the WRONG Way to the Media

    • 541 Surrounded by Machine Guns!

    • 542 Teaching Clients NOT to Act

    • 543 The Crying Beauty Pageant Winner

    • 544 The Fluttering Bird Flying to Nowhere

    • 545 You Never Have to Lurk In the Shadows Again

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    44 Conclusion to Your Communications Skills Course

    • 546 Did I Forget Anything

    • 547 Conclusion You Are Now a Master In Communication Skills