Course curriculum

  • 1

    Enter the New World of Interactive AI Video Clones That Are Available 24/7

    • 1 Interactive AI Video Clone Creation - The Complete Course Promo Video

    • 2 What Exactly Is An Interactive AI Video Clone

    • 3 Who Can Benefit From Having An Interactive Video Clone

    • 4 Yes This Course Has An Interactive Video Clone to Answer Any of Your Questions on How to Make an Interactive Video Clone

    • 5 Why a Video Clone Is Infinitely More Powerful Than Just Text or Audio

    • 6 This Course Is For You, If...

    • 7 Where You Should Go In this Course Next

    • 8 Join Our Live Office Hours to Get Your Questions Answered By The Real TJ

    • 9 Improve This Interactive Digital cloning Course Now With Your Feedback

    • 10 Are Digital Clones Better or Worse Than Live Humans (1)

    • 11 Today Is the Best Possible Time To Create An AI Clone

    • 12 Here Are the Technologies That Make a Video Digital Clone Possible

    • 13 Clone Technology Platforms to Make Your Life Easy

    • 14 Finding the Right Clone Platform Specific to Your Niche

    • Exclusive Opportunity: Book a Live One-on-One Session with TJ Walker

  • 2

    Let's Build Your Video Clone To Best Represent You

    • 15 Time to Pick a Technology Platform to host Your Clone

    • 16 Let_s Start Building Our Clone Now

    • 17 Create Your Clone Profile Now

    • 18 Build the Brain of Your Clone Now - Giving Birth Is Exciting

    • 19 Your Clone_s Big Picture

    • 20 Overview - Building Your Clone

    • 21 Program Your Clone to Answer and Communicate the Way You Do

    • 22 Adjusting the Settings of Your Clone_s _Brain_

  • 3

    Creating Your Clone's Voice

    • 23 Give Your Clone Your Authentic Voice

    • 24 Make Your Voice Sound Just Like You - Advanced Settings

    • 25 Advanced Tips On Training Your Voice

  • 4

    Video - Bringing The Real You to Life

    • 26 Go All-In And Make a Video Clone - Don_t Settle for Text or Audio

    • 27 Create Video of Yourself to Make Your Clone Look Just Like You

    • 28 Advanced Tips for Making a Great Video Avatar

  • 5

    Share Your Clone with the World

    • 29 Warning Some People Will NOT Like Your Clone. Be Prepared.

    • 30 Show Your Clone to the World Before it is Perfect

    • 31 Time To Show Your Clone to The World And Get Feedback

    • 32 Integrate Your Clone With the World

    • 33 Engage Your Users Interest

    • 34 Make Your Clone a Secret Weapon Now

    • 35 Make Your Clone Ethical and Ethically From Day 1

  • 6

    Show Me the Money!

    • 36 The Big Create Question About Money

    • 37 Creating Different Versions of Your Clone - More Monetization

    • 38 More Ways of Generating Income With Your Clone

    • 39 Monetize Your Clone

  • 7

    Make Your Clone Better, And Better, And Better...

    • 40 You Are Creating a Unique Clone Experience

    • 41 Build a Deeper Relationship With Your Own Clone

    • 42 Refine Your Clone - Tweak - Iterate - Repeat

  • 8

    Conclusion to Creating An Interactive AI Video Clone Course

    • 43 It Is Not Too Late To Have Your Questions Answered

    • 44 You Are a First-Mover And You Will Benefit

    • 45 This Is Where the AI Clone Industry Is Headed

    • 46 Congratulations You Now Have The Knowledge You Need To Unleash Your Clone to The World

  • 9

    Bonus Lectures

    • The TJ Walker AI Delphi_ai Clone August 30_ 2024

    • Can an AI Digital Clone Be Better Than a Human?